Sunday, August 15, 2010

Inspiration for making your own list

If, like me, you think that this sort of a list might be a change for the better in your life, here's some sites to check out ...

The first is the one my nephew originally posted a link to:
This guy is really ambitious by my standards; however, it gave me some great ideas for how to make concrete statements on what I actually want to accomplish.

The other is 
From what I can tell, this is where the initial meme came from.  Many, many people have their ideas up here, so you can browse around and see what looks interesting.  It also has an idea generator for those who might be looking to come up with just x number more goals.

It took me 5 days of thought time to get to 101 goals - the first 40 or so were easy - so give yourself plenty of time to think about changes before the clock starts ticking!

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